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Individuals who are early and recent retirees may find their current personal health insurance plan is not adequate price-wise. In order to attain better value for the money the early retired person will be wise to shop around for the best possible health policy. Let’s face it: The majority of persons will receive health insurance from their employers. However when you are retired early or even possibly downsized forcing you into the situation of early retirement you’ll need private health coverage.

In selecting a health plan you are going to need proper protection. Once you make a decision as to what it is you precisely need in the way of coverage it will be time to do some shopping from a comparison standpoint. The objective is to not only find a health plan that best suits your needs but also find one that is affordable. First you’ll need to be aware of the four most standard individual health plans. They are HMOs, PPOs, HSAs, and FFSs. The following content will provide you with information relative to all four kinds of insurance:

Know Your Options

The HMO or Health Maintenance Organization is comprised of health networks which include literally thousands of professional health care organizations. The HMO is generally the least costly health plan. A PPO also known as a Preferred Provider Organization is a good option with respect to price and is more flexible as to the health care professional you select in comparison to an HMO. The HSA also known as the Health Savings Account is one where contributions are made free of tax and which pays for your health care costs after the deductible is met. These plans are generally part of an employer plan and will probably not be offered as an option unless during retirement you open a business where you can incorporate it. Lastly, the FFS, also referred to as Fee for Service health plans are the standardized health plans we are all accustomed. You pay for the service you require and then are reimbursed for part of the expense of that service.

Nowadays with all the competition in the market, there are plans specifically designed for individuals who have taken retirement. Certainly if you are sixty-five or older you may receive coverage from Medicare. However that said there are a good many retirees who require supplemental coverage or a private health plan. This once again is particularly true if you are still under sixty-five years of age. A good way to compare health plans is to review insurance comparison sites. Write down what is important to you and then conduct a comparative analysis.

Another idea is to not only review plans designed for seniors but also review policies that are set up for single entrepreneurs. Anyone who is not an employee and works for him or herself regardless of status may find economical health care: the key is to take the time to compare policies and understand the differences.

With competition so heavy in the marketplace, a search of the Internet will certainly allow you to find a policy that meets well with your healthcare requirements.

Start by conducting a Google search of “health care plans designed for seniors”. Other keywords may include: “health plans for retirees” and so on and so forth. Again, also go to the comparison review sites. If you find a particular health plan interesting then head for the site of the company that provides it. Contact the company for more particulars. Do this after putting together a short list of preferred health plan providers. In so doing, you will be able to find the best plan relative to your healthcare needs.

The doctor-patient relationship has already morphed in the last fifties years. Remember those old black and white TV shows from the sixties where the doctor would make house calls and know their patients intimately? Well those days are already long gone. Now the sterile world of the doctor’s office has become more assembly line than friendly. Especially if you’re a Medicare patient or have an HMO.

However, the process could get even more factory-like if health care reform takes a wrong turn. Right now doctors generally allot fifteen minutes per visit but are okay with going a few minutes over to answer any questions or address concerns. If health care reform isn’t presented in the correct way, then doctor’s would be forced to cut visits short in order to keep up the pace of seeing patients.

Why Would This Happen

Site is a good example of how government can mess with the doctor-patient relationship. When a doctor signs a Medicare contract they are given only a flat rate for each visit regardless of how long it is or how complex. They are required to see a certain number of medicare patients to maintain their contract. So, if a doctor wants to make any money they will try to get through the Medicare patients as quickly as possible and try to cram more patients into their schedule, giving each patient less and less face time with the doctor.

Good physicians try to avoid this trap at all costs but they still need to make money to keep their practice going. If universal health care forced doctors to see a certain number of patients per day then the assembly-like process would only intensify.

What’s The Remedy

There is no easy fix to this potential problem. The simple fact that medical care has changed is going to change the doctor-patient relationship. As consumers we can be more aware of how to maintain the doctor-patient relationship without straining their resources. Everyone can do their part to ensure that this tradition of really knowing your doctor and your doctor really knowing you, doesn’t fade away.

What Is A Network

If you sign up for an HMO or a PPO health insurance plan then you are required to choose your physicians from a list of “network” doctors. This list of doctors is approved by your insurance company. If you choose a doctor outside of this network, then your insurance company will not pay for the cost of seeing another doctor or the services the doctor performs. These doctors and services are “non-network”.

Any kind of medical care outside the network of health providers set up by your HMO or PPO are considered non-network. Because most networks try to include the common kinds of providers, including family-care physicians, ob/gyns, and pediatricians, there might not be a huge selection of specialists to choose from.

Seeing Non-network Doctors

Depending on what kind of insurance you have, you will be expected to pay all or at least part of the bill for a non-network physician or for non-network services. If you have an HMO you can expect to pay the entire bill. A PPO has a more complicated pay scale for non-network services. Depending on your PPO you may have to pay all or most of the bill for non-network services. Even if your in-network refers you to an out-of-network doctor, you will still be responsible for the cost of the visit and any other services prescribed by the non-network physician.

What Is Non-Network Insurance

Some insurance providers will offer an additional insurance policy that covers the partial cost for non-network providers and services. This type of insurance is not necessary unless you know you will be seeing a lot of specialists out of your current network. If you have a genetic disease that requires special treatment or plan on seeing several specialists for second opinions then non-network insurance may be the way to go. Medical costs can easily break any budget you have and non-network insurance may be an option for you.

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